July NewsNotes
Please take the time to respond to our survey. The club board is always interested in suggestions and comments that improve your dancing experience. To that end we are conducting an electronic survey, please use the following link and help us be a better club:
Balboa Park Survey Page.
If you have not responded to the survey please take the time to share your opinions, even if you have filled it out before we have made some changes and need your updated answers. The survey results affect decisions on issues such as the class calendar and music so take a moment and share your thoughts.
Now that full summer is upon us remember our etiquette advice: The best cologne is soap and water.
In July our smooth/standard dance is Foxtrot and the latin/rhythm dance is Cha-Cha-Cha. The Foxtrot is adaptable to many rhythms so it works very well with the music at most parties and weddings. Cha-Cha-Cha can be danced to many latin and contemporary songs.

Foxtrot is a smooth dance, traveling around the line of dance. The long walking movements involve a subtle rise & fall action. Turning movements are similar to Waltz, but with a more moderate rise and fall, and more length-wise action. The Foxtrot is danced to music written in 4/4 time with the first and third beats of each measure more heavily accented. It is danced in combinations of slow and quick steps, with each slow step taking two beats and each quick step one beat of music. Foxtrot is extremely versatile and can be danced to a variety of musical styles and tempi. Foxtrot music has a tempo of 29 to 34 measures per minute.
The dance was premiered in 1914, quickly catching the eye of the husband and wife duo Vernon and Irene Castle, who lent the dance its signature grace and style. The exact origin of the name of the dance is unclear, although one theory is that it took its name from its popularizer, the vaudeville actor Harry Fox. Two sources credit African American dancers as the source of the Foxtrot: Vernon Castle himself, and dance teacher Betty Lee. Castle saw the dance, which "had been danced by negroes, to his personal knowledge, for fifteen years, [at] a certain exclusive colored club".

The Cha-Cha-Cha, aka Cha-Cha, is a dance of Cuban origin. The dance consists of three quick steps (triple step or Cha-Cha-Cha) and two slower steps on the one beat and two beat. The Cha-Cha-Cha is in 4/4 time with the rhythm being counted as 2 3 4 & 1, the '4 & 1' are recognized as being the familiar Cha-Cha-Cha triple. Note that the last beat of the triple is the first beat of the next bar. Cha-Cha's continued popularity can be heard in the music of Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony and Carlos Santana. The name of this dance is said to arise from the sound of sandals slapping against the floor in the cha-cha chasse.

The July calendar is full with no dark nights. Note that the park has commenced Food Truck Friday so parking will be tight on Friday nights, allow for extra time and check our hints page for additional parking. The party is on July 13th.
Remember to check the calendar in case there are last minute cancellations. Click the calendar image above to view the online calendar.
Club Dance Party - July 13th

The party host has not been selected.
We play music for a variety of dance styles, from classic ballroom (Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango) to Rhythm and Latin Dances (Salsa, Rumba, Cha-Cha, swing). We also take requests for your favorite song. There will be snacks and cool drinks in the foyer. During the course of the evening we will have a mixer or two and the host will teach a short lesson that will be really fun to get everybody on the floor.
Our parties are a potluck affair, we ask attendees to bring finger foods - sweet and savory - in disposable containers ready to serve. Too many people bring sweet items such as cookies and cakes, unless you have an overwhelming sweet tooth think about bringing chips, pretzels, crackers, or vegetables instead.

Balboa Park Dancers at the Del Mar Fair
We completed the performance on June 30th and the group was terrific. Photos and video will be available soon. I want to thank every participant for the time and energy:
- Tammy Ying
- Michael Markow
- James Ungricht
- Karla Ober
- Barbara Murguia
- Luis Murguia
- Barry Hynum
- Mariko Sakakibara
- Ji Kenworthy
- Les Forake
- Maria Calfy
- John Croff
- Tam Nguyen
- Nathan Pagador
- Svetlana Ermolaeva
- Audrey Kane
- Rosa Cansino
- Marianne Anderson
- Peggy Merchant
- Barbara Waldowski
- Maria Sandstrom

I want to briefly mention the work done by our treasurers. The club has to operate like a business to comply with state and federal laws. Further it is just basic common sense to account for all the money. Maria Sandstrom in particular spends hours each week updating our books. Tammy Ying takes time from class to work with the cashier to balance the cash drawer.
The club now has a Facebook group page. We invite you to join the page to allow the cub to better communicate and allow you to engage with your fellow dancers. Our instructors will be posting tips and special events to improve your dancing and the board will post last minute calendar changes and parking warnings.

Tim Waldowski
President, Balboa Park Dancers
Phone (outgoing message only) 858-859-1926.