

Class Calendar

Meet Our Instructors

Maps to Balboa Park Ballroom

Ballroom Etiquette

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Dancing in Balboa Park

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Class Schedule

Fridays: 7:30 pm & 8:20 pm
Sundays: 7:00 pm & 7:50 pm

Doors open at 6:45 pm both nights.

Special Dance Times
See monthly schedule for dates when our dance space will be closed or dances held at an alternate location.

Click HERE for the
Class Schedule


"Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals." - Charles Baudelaire

Dance etiquette is a set of guidelines that help us navigate the social dimensions of dancing.



Many ballroom dances MOVE around the floor. To enable safe dancing, dancers should follow the line of dance: the counter-clockwise direction of dance around the dance floor. The diagram on the right indicates the rules for the dance floor.  By following this convention, all the different dancing skill levels can enjoy dancing on the floor at the same time.


When not dancing, move well away from the dance traffic.

1 - Outside lane: for couples comfortable with the dance style and tempo.  Do not stop or dance across the flow of traffic.  Be aware of other dancers to avoid collisions!  Dances which progress around the line of dance are Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Samba, Viennese Waltz, Quickstep, Two Step and Polka.


2 - Inner lane: for couples praticing new steps or executing steps performed in counter direction. Forward movement is the line of dance.


3 - Floor center: for couples dancing in place or who need to stop from time to time while practicing new steps.  In place dances and steps include Cha-cha, Rumba, Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, Salsa, slow dancing, free style, West Coast Swing, spot turns, fleckerels, position or dance poses. Please do not execute in-place steps in the outside lane.



We are a ballroom dance club oriented toward people who would like to have fun while learning to dance.  We strive to create a welcoming environment for beginning and experienced dancers. As part of that effort the following guidelines will help make your time in the ballroom a positive experience.

  • The best cologne is soap and water.
  • Men and women: don’t hesitate to ask someone to dance.
  • Don’t be a teacher.
  • It’s generally good form to accept a dance with anyone who asks unless you have a very good reason not to.
  • If you collide, offer a smile.
  • Always try to dance with a wide variety of dance partners at a social dance event. Dancing with someone besides your partner will strengthen the man’s leading skills and enhance the woman’s following skills.
  • A strong lead is measured by how decisive your movement is, not by physical pressure in your hands or dance frame.
  • When a woman accepts a dance, it implies that she is agreeing to follow and let the man lead.
  • Always thank your partner.
  • The proximity between dance partners in a frame should be dictated by the follower, and always to their own level of comfort.
  • For your safety, no bare feet are allowed on the ballroom dance floors.  We do recommend that you purchase dance shoes.
  • It is impolite to monopolize a partner.

House Rules 

The following rules and regulations have been established by the city to ensure that groups using the ballroom will assist in protecting and preserving this beautiful facility for years to come.
  •  No food or beverage will be allowed in the Ballroom or the War Memorial Building rooms.
  • Entry to the advanced class for new participants is closed after the first three class nights to keep the class moving.
  • Cigarettes must be extinguished in appropriate containers outside.
  • Please take your water bottles home or discard in the recycling bins in the lobby.
  • No gum chewing allowed in the building.
  • No shoe or foot powder allowed in the building.
  • City and club staff members are not responsible for any personal belongings left unattended or behind in the facility.
  • Those parking in any red zones are subject to parking tickets and/or towing.




Did you know? Ballroom dancing is usually thought of as Waltz, Tango, or Foxtrot, but it also encompasses many other dances. There are two styles of ballroom dances: American and International.